Polyester GlitterFlakes™ | Torginol

Polyester GlitterFlakes™ | Torginol

Velo 85 RC

Velo 85 RC

Natural MicasFlakes™ | Torginol


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Availability: In stock
Brand: Torginol Chips & Flakes

MicaFlakes™ make resinous flooring glisten with natural crystalline beauty. These unique flakes are derived from a group of sheet silicate minerals, called mica, which include muscovite, phlogopite, biotite, clintonite and others. The mica family of minerals contain highly perfect basil cleavage. Through a highly technical manufacturing process, the distinctive hexagonal atom arrangement of the mica minerals is separated into sheet-like pieces, separated into natural color groups and broken down into standardized flakes sizes. These unique flakes provide a natural metallic luster that cannot be achieved with other engineered minerals.

Natural MicaFlakes™ resinous flooring media is currently available in 6 colors and three size ranges that can be blended, mixed and matched to customize your floor and complement any décor.

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